Thursday, September 9, 2010

Come and GONE!

My due date has officially come and gone and I am STILL pregnant!!!! This really stinks. I noticed that my pregnancy ticker that I had to the right on my blog doesn't have over due as an option, it just changed to your baby is one day old. That made me sad so I removed it.
I am scheduled to be induced on Tuesday Sept. 14th at 10 PM. (Why oh why did we switch to Kaiser) I am really hoping that she comes before then. I have been feeling really good considering I am so pregnant. Last night was the 1st time that I had what I think were consistent contractions. But they never got closer then 8-9 minutes apart. I say "I think" because this whole 40 weeks and waiting to go in to labor is all new for me. With my first two pregnancy I never had any contractions until they gave me pitocin. I have never gone into labor on my own. So I am a bit worried about when to know when it's time. But after talking to some friends and my doctor I think I should be able to know when it's baby time. Hopefully that time is soon!

I realized I have not posted any prego pictures this whole pregnancy. Here is one of me at 39 weeks. Most of my clothes barely fit so I am very anxious about not being pregnant anymore.

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