Sunday, February 10, 2013

6 Months

We LOVE LOVE LOVE our little Katelyn! She is so fun and smiles so much!! I just can't get enough of her. 
On January 6th she turned 6 months. 

Here are her current stats:
24 1/2 inches long
14.07 lbs.
17.25 head circumference
 Both of her tear ducts are still clogged. Some days are better than others. If they do not clear up on their own by 9 months then we will be referred to a specialist. 
This hair style is a rare occasion. I'm not a bows or ponytail kind of mommy. Which is kinda sad since all my girls have been born with hair. But that's just not me!
She looks like a totally different baby with her hair in a pony tail.
She has eczema on her cheeks and we are trying to get it to go away. But once it clears up then the weather gets cold and dry and it flares up again. Grrrr. One more reason I can't wait for SUMMER!
 I LOVE her CRAZY Hair!!!
 She started sitting up on her own at about 6 1/2 months. And she is content to play like that for a long time! It's great!
She rolls all over the place to get what she wants. She is just now starting to get on all fours. She doesn't do it very often, but I'm sure the crawling will start soon enough.
You may have noticed she is wearing jammies in EVERY photo. It is just too cold to get her dressed. So most days she is in her jammies all day!

She got her first hair cut by Aunt Janelle the end of January. She just evened up the back for us. It was starting to look nasty. I'm glad it's still pretty dark but I'm sure by summer it will be blond. 

I don't think I ever documented her previous stats. So these are just for records sake.
2 Months:                              4 Months:
11 lbs.                                                          12.14 lbs.
        22 inches                                    23 inches          
                                                               16.5 head circumference 

 6 Months:
14.07 lbs.
24 1/2 inches long
17.25 head circumference

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