Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day

So my Valentine's day started out great! I got up early and went to the donut store to get the kids some donuts. I found this really cute saying on Pinterest and thought the kids would LOVE it! And they did. It says "Donut you know we LOVE you a hole bunch" I bought donut holes. Then I set the table with our special red glasses and Valentine's napkins. I put the plate of donut holes in the center along with a bunch of bananas. The kids thought it was great!

Over last two weeks I had been heart attacking their bedroom doors. Some days they got one heart and others they got a few hearts. And I'll be honest there were even a few days that were especially rough for me and I did NOT put any hearts on their doors. Because I could not think of something nice to say.  Those were probably the days when I should have put a heart but it did not. We've had a few very rough days this month. Madison was the one that enjoyed these hearts the most. Each day she would look to see what new one she got. She does not read very well yet so she would always ask someone to help her read them.

For dinner I made the kids favorite meal. MEATLOAF!!! But this time they each got one in the shape of a heart. And for dessert (that's really the most important part of the meal for me) they helped me make individual brownie and strawberry trifles.

I decorated the dinner table with some more hearts and candles.The kid thought it was neat.
It was great to see them get excited! 
We had my parents join us for dinner. The kids always LOVE being with grandma and grandpa. 
The day went pretty well for the kids. I think they really felt the love. 
I know it's kind of a cheesy holiday but I am trying to create fun memories for the kids. 

My sister gave me some old pajama pants that were torn and she could not wear anymore so I made them into a cute skirt for Madison to wear for Valentine's day. She loved it!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

She made me some ART

Claudia made me a BEAUTIFUL picture with some Sharpies she found. Too bad it was ALL OVER my CARPET and BED and NOT on Paper!!!!

Looks like she did color a little bit on paper. That yellow notepad is colored on too!
I could NOT believe that she did this. When I left her to go feed the baby she was happily playing with her puzzles. 
It took me over an hour to clean it. Luckily our carpet is not in the best shape anyway. But I did manage to get most of it out of the carpet. I did not even attempt to get it off the sheet. At this point I don't think it's worth the $15 to just buy a new sheet.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Playing in the Rain

My mom got us an AMAZING deal on tickets to Disneyland and we could NOT pass up the opportunity to go. Despite the rain we pulled the kids out of school early and bundled them up and head to the Happiest Place on the Earth! It was a great day! My dad came along and we had a BLAST.
It's always nice to have grandpa with us. 
Since it was raining off and on the park was not too crowded! The longest wait was 30 minutes and that was for Peter Pan. But the rest were no more than a 10 minute wait. 
It was great!!!!
On the tram ready to play!!!
Her favorite place to be!!!
Can He do it?
Can She do it??
Can She do it???

Claudia wasn't so sure if the liked Mickey or not.
Ready for Captain Eo

On the tram heading home!

Skate Night

My sister Julya also known as "Aunt Goo" invited us to go with her to her schools skate night on Wednesday. I asked Charles and Madison if they wanted to go and Charles said it wasn't really his thing. And Madison said she really wanted to go! So off we went for a Mommy-Madi date.
We had so much fun! Madison did a great job. This was her first time on real skates and she did pretty good. By the end she was skating on her own. It was on the carpet but hey she was doing it!
I think we will need to go back soon!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Las Vegas

A few months back we decided to take a weekend trip to Vegas with John's sister and her family. Since we both own time shares it's a pretty inexpensive vacation. We left on Thursday afternoon and came back on Sunday afternoon. It was a great trip. Very relaxing. 
I found this fun website called  It's an interactive walking tour or better known as a scavenger hunt. Some of the clues were solving riddles and some where finding an object and taking your photo with it. It was the perfect way to see the "kid safe" side of the city. 
The kids really enjoyed it and so did we! 

 The Coca-Cola store

M & M Store

This Hello Kitty street performer was on the side walk as we were walking by. The girls were SO EXCITED to see her!!! Of course Madison would not get near her but wanted me to take a picture of her.

We had to go to a certain store and find this particular hat.
Taking a photo with the MGM Lion
The knights at Excalibur
 Our HAPPY family!

On Saturday morning we went to John's Aunt and Uncle's house and spent some time visiting with them. I always love visiting them. They are so wonderful!! I wish they did not live so far away. 

After our visit we took the kids to see the temple. On our way we stopped and got some lunch so that we could have a picnic on the grounds. The kids really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful day for a picnic.

On the way back from the temple we stopped at Circus Circus for some FUN!
Charles had a rough time not winning. But they all left with at least one toy. 
Sunday morning we got up and went to sacrament meeting at a near by ward and then headed home! It was a great trip!!!!! Thanks Burkes!!!!