Thursday, April 11, 2013

~9 Months~

Our Beautiful Miss Katelyn turned 9 months this past weekend.
 I really LOVE this stage. They grow and change SO MUCH!!! 
Since my last Katelyn post 3 months go she has changed a TON!!!
She began crawling around 7 1/2-8 months and just a few days ago she started pulling herself up to standing. She still has NO teeth, but I am totally okay with that. She babbles a lot and says Mamama and Dadada. She has been trying lots of different foods but it still kinda picky. She loves to feed herself Cheerios or Gerber Puffs. We've been sporting the ponytail hair style more often now to keep her hair out of her face. It's actually grown on me! She still have one clogged tear duct. The other cleared up on its own. At one year the doctor will refer us to a specialist if it doesn't go away on its own.
Claudia loves playing with her and the big kids love to carry her around like a doll.

9 Months Stats:
16 lbs.
26 inches
17 3/4 head circumference

1 comment:

Hangin with the Burke's said...

I love the bath photo and only 16lbs Kayla is going to pass you up by next month :)