Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jillian's Nogin

Jillian was in the pantry and pulled a huge can of pineapple juice down on her head. She nailed it pretty good. Luckily no blood or cuts. I noticed a few days later that she had this huge goose egg showing up on her head. And it was kind of squishy. I made an appointment with the doctor and she said as long as it didn't get worse she should be fine. But it could a a skull fracture. I waited a few days and could not tell if it was worse or better. So I took her in for the x-ray any. She did good despite being strapped to the x-ray machine. We found out a few days later that all was well. No skull fracture! Hooray!!!!
These pictures make it look small. But believe me it was a pretty big bump. 

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