Monday, September 21, 2009

LONGEST day of my LIFE

Today feels like one of the longest days EVER!!!! Charles has a canker sore and is in a lot of pain and the Motrin doesn't seem to be helping. I am trying to put orajel on it, but he doesn't let me touch it very long, so I'm not sure if that is even productive. And that's not even half the problem...Last week we put in 4 offers on houses in Riverside. 3 of them are short sales and 1 of them is a corporate owned home. The inventory of houses is EXTREMELY low right now, and we don't really like to put offers on short sales because we don't want to wait, but we decided to do it anyway. Well two of the offers are being submitted to the bank. YAHOO!!! We can not believe it. Normally we get out bid or trumped by CASH offers so getting our offer to the bank is a HUGE deal for us. The one is not an approved short sale so we may be waiting a while. But the 2nd one we are not sure what it's status is. Our Realtor got an email on Friday saying that our offer went in to the bank and they are expecting a response by the end of the day Friday or today at the latest. Which is why today feels like it is the longest day ever!!! We have not been inside either of these homes, but we LOVE LOVE LOVE the community and all its amenities. Not to mention the homes are 2 years old and SOOO in our PRICE RANGE. We have been in similar floor plans so we don't think that we will NOT like the houses. But this waiting GAME is EXCRUCIATING, I just want a house already! So please keep us in your prayers. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

good luck! keep us posted... where at in Riv are you guys looking?