Friday, May 13, 2011

What I"ve been up too!!

Besides raising my family, keeping the house clean, and couponing I've been staying busy with a few other projects too!

 I made homemade flour tortillas. They are YUMMY!!!! And they freeze really well too!
 I now make my own hamburger buns that double as sandwich rolls.
 I made this totally cute swim cover up for my niece using a towel.
 And made this cute twirly skirt for another niece (Her daddy is a HUGE Patriots fan.) It was a really simple tutorial with great instructions. I think I am going to make one for each of my girls.
I've also planted a garden!!! I've never had my own garden but decided since our family LOVES tomatoes so much why not try to grow our own. (Plus they are super expensive to buy the good tasting ones.)
We have 3 different kids of tomatoes, zucchini, and strawberries. Hopefully our garden will be fruitful!
Made a few flirty aprons for gifts and one for myself!
And I am still training for my 1st Half Marathon! The training is going really well despite my irritated IT band. But I am babying it so I should be able to make it through the race.

1 comment:

Lorie said...

Wow, you've been busy!!! Amazing! I hope your garden turns out for you guys, that would be SO nice! The hamburger buns look great, if you get a chance would you post the recipe? Keep up the good work, everything looks great!