Yesterday my mother-in-law's office had their annual Halloween Party for the kids. It is becoming a tradition that we go. This time John got to go since he doesn't have school anymore. Boy was I glad he was there. Charles was running down the hall back to where we were and tripped and slammed his head into the corner of a door jam. Yeah not so fun! We all heard the loud noise. John quickly scooped him up and took him to the bathroom to assess the damage and clean him up. I on the other hand am a huge BABY and can NOT handle stuff like this well. I started to feel queasy immediately. So now you can see why I was happy to have John with me. John got him cleaned up and bandaged and then I met him down at the car with Miss Mad. I could not be inside anymore I need to get some fresh air to help me feel better. We took him right to urgent care and luckily their was no wait and since he was a head injury they took them right it. They only allowed one parent in, which was good because I was trying to prepare myself to be in their with him, but still wasn't sure if I could. I know I am a big BABY. I wish I could overcome this. Thirty five minutes later they came out with his nice big wound all glued up. John said Charles did VERY WELL! During the whole ordeal the thing that freaked him out most was seeing the blood run down his face. Poor Guy! He was very SAD that we had to leave the party early and didn't get more time to play with his friends (that's what he calls his cousins, very cute!) When we got home we gave him some Tylenol for the discomfort and then he took this adorable picture for me! What a great sport our little man is. Now he looks a little more like a real Pirate!
1 comment:
What a story! Poor Pirate. I dont do well with that kind of stuff either and Chris keeps telling me I have to get use to it having a baby boy around! Good thing he is ok.
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