Saturday, December 18, 2010

2 Months

Claudia is already 2 months old and doing great!!!! She is a very happy and healthy baby.
I took her in for her 2 month check up yesterday and just as I predicted, she is bigger than the other two were at this age.  She weights 11 lbs. 14 oz. is 24 inches tall/long and her head is 15.5 inches.
That puts her in the 75-90th percentile for length and 50-75th percentile for weight. She is bigger than Madison and Charles were at 4 months old. She is such a joy to have in our family. She is always happy and smiling. She does this really cute little half smile that just makes me smile and melts my heart. I just can't get enough of her. She is also a pretty good sleeper. She gives me at least a 6 hour stretch and usually a few nights a week she will sleep from 10-6. It's great! If I knew that all my babies would be just like her I would have 10 more! Maybe not, that is a little crazy! But we are very blessed to have such a good baby!!!!
I can't find the photo that I took of her with the monkey, but here are a few from a photo shoot that I attempted with her. And a few of Charles because he decided he wanted to get in on the shoot!

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