Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patty's day

I am not so good at making Holiday's a big thing with my kids. So this year I decided I'd try a little for St. Patrick's day. I turned our Orange Crystal lite green and made our pizza crust green. The kids thought it was "SO COOL." I made sure that they helped me put the food coloring in the dough so that they didn't freak out when they saw it come out of the oven. They thought it was great! Then while Charles was at school Madison and I made green sugar cookies with green sugar. I didn't realize how easy it was to make colored sugar. It was actually fun and the kids really enjoyed the cookies. We met some friends at the park and shared our St. Patty's day cookies with them. 
It was a nice simple St. Patty's day, I think I may just continue this green day tradition.

1 comment:

Leanna said...

super fun! love it!