Monday, April 26, 2010

Soccer Game

We signed Charles up to play soccer this spring and he started practice a week or so ago. He has really enjoyed practicing especially since his cousin Nathan is on his team. They have a blast together and are learning the basics of the game. This past Saturday was their first game. Charles and Nathan did great!!!! The first half Charles played goalie (which he has NEVER done before, not even at practice.) Most of the balls went right past him and into the goal, but Daddy was standing close by to give him some advice. The second half he got to play on the field. They don't play positions, they all just run for the ball and attempt to score. Charles had a good time but got a little tired running up and down the field. I think he'll get used to it. John really enjoyed watching and cheering for him. John's sisters and mom were there to cheer them on too. At the end of the game John and his family started a tunnel for the kids. And soon all the parents joined it. The kids LOVED it!!!! It was a great first game! I guess I can say we have officially entered the world of kids's to many more years of week night practices and all day Saturday games!!!


Janica said...

That is why I envy your camera. Those are great pictures! Looks like fun!

Emily Graham said...

AWESOME!!! I cannot wait for those days to come. Go Charles!